Crew Change Activities – Malaysian Shipping Notice (MSN 06/2020)

Dear Esteemed MASA Members,

Good day & hope all in good health.

Following the government’s decision to extend the Movement Control Order (Perintah Kawalan Pergerakan) until 14 April 2020, we have received several concerning issues on how the restriction of crew change may cause disruption in many shipping operations. We did a survey among our members to bring their concerns forward to relevant authorities for consideration. We would like to thank you for your prompt feedback and responses.

Further to that, the Marine Department Malaysia (Jabatan Laut Malaysia) has published Malaysian Shipping Notice (MSN 06/2020) entitled ‘COVID-19: Instructions For All Shipping Companies And Seafarers (3 April 2020 Amendments)’ regarding crew change activities.

Please retrieve it here:, for your good reference.

Considering the current situation of the pandemic, we advise you to peruse the notice with a sense of urgency and strictly adhere the precaution measures by the Ministry of Health as well as each company’s HSSE guidelines.

Meantime, stay safe everyone!