MASA Engagement Dinner

MASA Engagement Dinner with MMEA, TLDM, Malaysia Police Marine, MarDept, Sabah Port, SSSA and MASA Members from Sabah & Sarawak.

Special thanks to YBhg Dato Harris Haji Anuar Tan, CEO of Asian Supply Base Sdn. Bhd. also as EXCO for Sabah Representative for the dinner treat.


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Talian Hotline Khas Untuk Pelaut yang Menganggur

Pihak MASA akan membuka talian hotline khas selama sebulan bermula 1 April 2016 sehingga 30 April 2016 dalam usaha membantu menyelesaikan masalah pengangguran di kalangan pelaut tempatan.

Pelaut tempatan yang menganggur boleh menggunakan inisiatif dari MASA ini dengan menghantar resume masing masing kepada email persatuan di

Adalah menjadi harapan besar kepada kami untuk menangani isu pengganguran di kalangan pelaut tempatan melalui inisiatif ini.

MASA Sekretariat

Malaysia Shipowners’ Association (MASA) will be establishing a hotline service for a month beginning 1 April 2016 to 30 April 2016 in order to assist in solving the problem for unemployment among local seafarers in Malaysia.

Malaysian seafarers; local seamen who are unemployed can use this initiative by sending their curriculum vitae to email us through

It is our biggest hope to reduce unemployment rate among seafarers through this initiative.

MASA Secretariat

Malaysia Shipping Master Plan: Revitalizing Shipping Industry

On 23rd March 2015 Maritime Institute of Malaysia (MIMA) has hosted the National Shipping Conference 2015: Revitalizing Malaysian Shipping for a Stronger Economy which was held at Istana Hotel.

The Conference was officiated by Yang Berhormat Datuk Sri Ab Aziz Kaprawi, Deputy Minister of Transport, who also delivered a speech on behalf of the Minister of Transport.

The Conference addresses key strategies and policies needed to increase the competitiveness of Malaysian shipping while addressing the problem of decreasing Malaysian tonnage. Ultimately, the presentation focuses on the need of a shipping master plan.

Named the Malaysian Shipping Master Plan, it encompasses the components needed for Malaysian Shipping to not only thrive, but to flourish in the global, regional and domestic markets.

The presentation stresses the importance of close coordination between the government and the industry, the fiscal measures and incentives needed to enable the industry to weather the storm and head towards recovery and lastly towards a developed maritime nation.

MASA Chairman, Mr. Ir. Nordin Mat Yusoff spearheaded the conference by presenting the need for a plan in order to reinvigorate the shipping industry. As someone of virtue once said “If you fail to plan, you plan to fail”. MASA Exco Member, Capt. Noel John Thompson presented the draft of MSMP made by MASA. He brilliantly addresses the key sectors that can be turned around by implementing simple yet effective “quick win” plans should the authority were to take up.

There were 6 presentations during that day. The titles and the presenter is as follows:

Please click to download the respective papers

  1. Opportunities Lost – The need for a shipping master plan by Datuk Ir. Nordin b Mat Yusoff
  2. A Malaysian Shipping Master Plan by Capt Noel John Thompson
  3. Regulatory and Legislation Framework of Malaysian Ship Registration by YBhg Dato Hj Baharin b Dato Abdul Hamid
  4. Fiscal and Financial Incentives – Revitalizing Malaysian Shipping Industry by Dr Ervina Alfan
  5. Coordinated Approach to Develop Workforce Capability Across the Industry through Maritime Skills-based Education and Training by Capt Razali b Yaacob
  6. A Malaysian Shipping Master Plan – Making it a reality by En Mohd Saiful Redzuan b Jamil

The roadmap is already planned by MIMA to make the MSMP a reality. There will be a series of workshops to address the challenges and come up with a viable strategy concerning each and every sector in the maritime transport industry, including ancillary services concerning shipping as well.